Tuesday, September 14, 2010

FCA 9/13

For those of you unfamiliar with FCA - it stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  It is an organization determined to bring Jesus and the Gospel back in to the schools, the right way, by example.  Athletes tend to be the leaders of their schools, and our goal is to teach and encourage athletes to live like Jesus, and be a walking example of Christ.

Last night was our second official meeting of the school year... and I forgot my camera.  :(  bad blogger, sorry.  My awesome father-in-law, Coach Lang... spoke about facing the giants in our lives.  He read a common story about a giant, Goliath, and a little boy, David.  You can find the story in 1 Samuel 17.  Basically, he compared Goliath to a giant in our society, Shaq, to give us a little perspective.  While Shaq is big - Goliath puts him to shame.  Coach Lang did the math... based on Shaq's body weight and height, compared to Goliath's, we can figure that Goliath weighed in at about 412.5 pounds!!  WOW!  The Bible tells us he was 9'9"... I know that when I saw Shaun Bradley (former Dallas Maverick) at the mall I couldn't help but stare - and he was only 7'6"ish.  It is unreal to think about how big Goliath really was... and then to think, David took him down with one stone.

Coach Lang went on to compare David to the athletes in our huddle group.  We all have giants in our lives, whether literal or figurative.  He challenged all of us be like David, and run TOWARD the battle, confident and prepared.  With faith in our Lord we can accomplish great feats... be strong.

(picture from here)

* note *  I have never heard this before, but it was very interesting... verse 40 (1 Samuel 17) says that David takes 5 stones with him to fight Goliath.  Some would question his confidence... really, would he have the chance to sling more than one?  However, it's been said that Goliath had four kinsmen that were just as large... perhaps David was just preparing to take them all down!!

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